How it works
Download the SUST extension and visit any of the fashion websites where it works.
Look for coloured buttons in the shape of the SUST logo which appear on products as you browse. Click on one to see a popup like the one below.

Find a pre-loved alternative
In the popup, SUST suggests search terms based on the product and provides a button for each of the pre-loved platforms you currently have selected.
- Search. Just edit the search terms as you wish and click on a platform button to see what’s available. The exact item might not be there, but you’re in control of the search.
- Customise. Click on “customise” to choose your favourite platforms and to add default search terms such as “size 14”
In case you want to buy new, the colour of a SUST button conveys information about the brand:
lowest rating
highest rating
We use two open sources of information:
- Fashion Revolution assigns a Fashion Transparency Index of 0 (worst) to 10 according to how much brands disclose about their practices
- The Clean Clothes Campaign assigns a Living Wages Paid Score of E (worst) to A according to information about workers’ pay
We create a combined score of 0-10 and colour-code it. Where information is missing, you will see grey instead.
Constantly improving
SUST is committed to bringing you the best information available from a variety of sources, as soon as we have access to it. As brands and reliable third parties provide more information publicly, we will make it easily available to you through the SUST buttons and popups.
Where SUST works
Only the latest version of SUST works on all these sites. Click the SUST icon in your browser’s address bar to see whether a newer version is available.