👇🏼 Click to install the Sust extension in your browser.







Install Sust

Sust provides an “extension” or “add-on” which you download into your web browser (desktop, laptop or tablet*) to help you make more sustainable fashion choices.

👩🏿‍🔬👩‍🔬 Sust is still in development. We’re working with our users to make it exactly what they need it to be. Let us have your feedback by taking a few minutes to fill out our questionnaire – and enter the draw for a shopping voucher.

*Not available for mobile. See our privacy policy.

Sites where the Sust extension works

We’re always adding to these fashion sites where Sust provides guidance. Let us know if there’s another you’d like us to add.

How to use Sust

Once you’ve installed the extension (see above), go to one of the above fashion sites where Sust works, say hm.com, and search for a type of item.

In the search results you will see “Sust buttons” appear at the top of each item, like this:

Sust buttons are colour-coded with the brand’s Fashion Transparency Index and Living Wages Paid Score where we know them; grey where we don’t. Click on the button to see more information in a pop-up.

You will see links to help you avoid buying new items. Easily find:

  • Similar items second-hand or for rent
  • Places where you can have your garments repaired or upcycled.

If you have more time, you can click to see the discussion on this website about the product or brand.

To change Sust’s settings and see the effect, go to any fashion website where Sust works and click on the Sust icon in the list of your browser extensions. (It’s a good idea to pin the icon to your browser’s top bar, for ease of access.)

Try it! And let us know what you think.

Still have questions? Check out our user guide for more details about both the extension and the features available on this website.

Share Sust

Click here to copy a link to this page – then share it.